Tom Howard

Former member and Board President, Tom Howard:

I was a member of Beacon, then known as the Unitarian Church in Summit, for almost 20 years, until I moved to upstate New York in late 2012. From 2001 - 2003 and 2010 - 2012, I was Beacon's Board President, a job I thoroughly enjoyed. Emilie has asked me to talk about what inspired me here.

Always, my inspiration came from the people and from the opportunities to contribute, to further the congregation's mission. In 1995, or so, when the sanctuary was a free-standing church building with an aging house next door for offices, and the RE program was two blocks up the street in another house on the corner of Summit Avenue, I was drawn into failed plans to move the church building up to the Summit Avenue lot. Then, as we approached our second century, I co-led the capital campaign to sell that lot and to erect this building.

Once I looked for things to do, the people here were always welcoming, appreciative and encouraging. Thanks to the people here, I realized I had talents I had never known I had. I learned how to sing on key; I discovered a spiritual dimension and delivered several summer sermons. The professional staff was encouraging, supportive and awesomely talented. The congregation grew. We needed more room.

In 2010, I attended my first UU General Assembly. I met a stewardship author named Michael Durall and bought two of his books. I was inspired by his vision of leading an active, engaged and exciting congregation. On the flight back to Newark, I sketched out a plan to present to the Board at my first meeting as President that year; the plan provided the foundation for what we did, including the purchase of the funeral home that we hoped would solve our building needs. I was called to move on, so I was never able to cross the river to that promised land - but I have missed the fellowship and all my friends here - and always will. This is a special place.

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