Elizabeth Saba

Elizabeth Saba

Hi, I'm Elizabeth Saba, known to Beacon as Elizabeth Seigle. My husband and I were married by Rev. Emilie Boggis just last year. I've been a member of Beacon since my early childhood and some of my first memories were singing "This Little Light of Mine" in the sanctuary. I went through the Religious Education program, taught Religious Education and served as co-chair of the Youth Group.

There are two memories that resonate most with me. Serving as the youth group co-chair helped build my confidence and provided a community of young people outside of school with whom I felt supported, encouraged, and connected. I remember Beacon hosting people in unstable living conditions or without homes and the youth group provided support by serving meals and playing with their children. Another memory was going to the food bank and helping pack and distribute goods for the community. It was fun and it was rewarding. These are just two of many moments of giving back that land with me, because they forced me to step outside of myself, recognize the interconnectedness of us all in true UU fashion, and focus on others (which doesn't come naturally in adolescence). These were formative years for me, and these experiences of social action left an indelible mark. I went on to receive my Master's Degree in Social Work years later, and I now work in criminal justice reform, running programs for the justice-impacted community and working on policy change. I do think it was Beacon that helped cultivate my social justice spirit, which nourishes me every day.

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