
We are slowly getting vaccinated! Each day we hear jubilant voices from those of you who have sacred appointments for the Fauci Ouchie. One of our very own Beacon members has volunteered to help others get appointments, surely the most loving and kind act in these continued strange times (email to get connected).

Even as we feel more secure in gathering, caution is everywhere. Not just the kind that is necessary for health and continued containment of the virus, but increasingly the emotional kind. We need to know, honor, and trust that each one of us has different boundaries around how comfortable we are getting together. And as one of our youth reminded us recently, we are out of practice. Some of us will be eager and enthusiastic and others will need to take it slow. 

How will we adjust to these different and very personal limits? How does a community of shared values and faith navigate a path that is cloaked in fog?

I (Tuli) see the way forward as paralleling our anti racism efforts: we ask, we do the work ourselves, understanding that each one of us is at different points along the spectrum towards Beloved Community; we speak up for the marginalized, we center the voices and needs of those most at risk, and we understand the complex intersectionality of the issue - it is indeed challenging to separate out who we are from how we feel about re-entry. And the work is continual and ongoing and can be exhausting.

It is going to take practice, patience and commitment. 

Are you with us, Beacon?   

Tuli and Rev. Emilie (Rev. Dr. Robin on sabbatical leave)