Scott Schnipper

Scott Schnipper

Beacon is both a physical place but more importantly, a community of people -- who gently lift me up and softly set me down again. Beacon is a lesson and a story that takes me outside myself, that lets me raise a veil of self-criticism and judgment, that allows me to experience today, this moment, this now.

Without the regret or remorse of yesterday, or the anxiety of tomorrow, Beacon is a community that stands with me, and lets me stand with others, as part of a process of discovery that encourages me to also find my true, inner self. Beacon asks more of me.

I was drawn to Beacon from the moment I first crossed its threshold, and was quickly filled with gratitude for the lifeline it offered, for its social and human work. Here I have found a sanctum of peace and worshipful spirit, kindness, grace and blessing. Today, Beacon feeds me as a shared community of desire, a community of hope and action and friendship.

The truth is that we create this community called Beacon together. You and me. Us. Our mission comes alive through our relationships, our voices, our leadership, and our gifts.

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