Meg Utterback

Meg Utterback

I came to Beacon sometime in early summer 2022 with low or no expectations.  I had attended a UU congregation in Manhattan.  While I liked the teaching and principles of that church, I just did not seem to fit in with the congregation. I attended some events and found myself making meaningless small talk and struggling to find common ground. At one point, I read notices on the wall of the chapel at a charity event to avoid the awkwardness of standing alone in the middle of the room. There were no croissants (open welcoming semi-circle groups)!

I liked the UU principles and decided to give a UU congregation one more try. When I came to Beacon, I expected more bagel experiences (small circles of people unwilling to open to newcomers). At my first attendance at a Beacon service, Reverend Emilie cited extensively from the gospel according to Bruno Mars. I immediately thought, “I like these people.”  But, I scurried off after church and did not experience the warmth and friendship of the Beacon Congregation. I kept coming back though and leaving right after. I still had a fear of exclusion. Finally, I attended a connect meeting led by Reverend Robin and felt a kinship with the others in the room. We were clearly on the same journey. 

I now find myself lingering after church and chatting. I recognize the newcomers I have met and greet them. I even volunteered to be a greeter.  I now feel included, and I am looking forward to finding ways to contribute.  I feel a sense of belonging at Beacon.

Last week a friend and I were discussing religion and he said, “Do you go to church?” Without missing a beat, I said, “I go to Beacon. I am a Universalist Unitarian.”  And so I am.

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