Kellie and Nick Clifford-Gandiello

Kellie and Nick Clifford-Gandiello

When we got engaged and knew that eventually we'd try for children, we began to think of a faith community in which to raise them. We wanted our future children to be raised in connection with the greater good and in pursuit of the common good. It was important to us that any such community be radically inclusive: we wanted to make sure that when we entered a space of worship, it wasn't one that left anyone outside. We found Unitarian Universalism to be what we were seeking. Then life got busy, there was a pandemic, and we lost track of finding community. 

Truth be told, it was January 6th, 2021 that was the immediate catalyst for us to start joining Beacon sessions virtually. We felt so torn apart from others and yearned for connection and healing. The virtual sessions were a weekly chance to reflect, to return to inner peace, and to look outward to the needs and experiences of others. This happened to be around the time we were trying for our first child. Ellis came into our lives soon after that, and we began joining sessions in person. 

At Beacon, we have discovered joyfulness. In celebrating the human spirit and endeavor, we find laughter and singing and playing as a whole family. That joy in ourselves and in others only augments our commitment to justice, equity, and compassion. We have also found a community in which our son will have a diverse group of people to look to for ethical, moral, and spiritual guidance. 

Our hopes for anything and everything are bound up in our hopes for Ellis.  We hope that he grows into a person who is able to give love and receive love freely and openly and that in loving himself and in loving others he can make the world a better place. It is our hope and our confidence that raising him in community with Beacon will help him grow into that person.